Have an investment property? Maximise your hidden cash flow potential with our tax depreciation schedule reports.

We understand the significance of enhancing your property's worth, and getting more back from your investment property.

Our experienced team meticulously assesses and identifies all depreciable assets within your property, ensuring that you take full advantage of all available tax deductions. Effectively increasing the cash flow generated by your investment property each financial year.
Maximise Your Returns
Increase Cash Flow
Optimise Tax Benefits
Enhance Profitability

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Our clients typically save nearly $7,500 in deductions during their first full financial year with us.

You are guaranteed to receive deductions for your report, otherwise, your report will be free.

Our average turnround time for a report is 5 business days from payment.

You can claim your Duo Tax Depreciation Report fee as a tax deduction.

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Own an investment property? Enjoy $100 off your next tax depreciation schedule purchase and receive FREE weekly investing tips.

Investment property